20 X Drug Test Thc Cannabis Cannabis Test Urine Quick Test Thc Cannabis Urine Test Drugs Quick Test Strips Drug Quick Test Multi Strip Urine Test Kit Self-Test
20x drug test THC cannabis cannabis test urine rapid test THC cannabis urine urine test drugs rapid test rapid test strip drug rapid test multi strip urine test drug test kit self-test
THC is the abbreviation of delta-9-tetrahidrocannabinol and is the main active ingredient in marijuana. THC is found in the resin, mostly in the flowering plants and to a lesser extent in the leaves of the fibers. THC is in different proportions depending on the preparation used: marijuana, hachis or hachis oil and its consumption causes psychotropic effects. Fast detection, simple and safe THC At Medical-Test we are specialists in the sale and distribution of rapid detection tests. Our tests are designed to be used in the comfort of your own home, without the need to visit a medical center or laboratory, providing virtually 100% safe results. Ideal if you want to know if you are clean of a substance for a test or opposition, or if you want to find out if a family member or friend has consumed that substance. DETECTION SPOKE AND PERMANENCE PERIOD IN THE ORGANISM The test will give a positive result by exceeding the concentration of 50 ng/ml in the urine. THC can be detected in typical consumers several weeks after consumption. SCOPE OF DELIVERY 20 THC tests on individually packaged strips Operating instructions in Spanish
Product Features
- FAST and SAFE detection of THC - tetrahydrocannabinol (marihuana - cannabis) in Urine. CUTT OF 50 ng/ml
- INCL. German operating instructions
- This rapid drug test offers results that are almost 100% reliable after 5 minutes
- We sell to CONSUMERS and COMPANIES. Also used in clinics, self-help groups, youth welfare services, social institutions...
- CE marked
Buy with confidence as this product comes with 18 months full local warranty in Australia & New Zealand (unless otherwise stated in the overview).
This product also comes with the benefits of the CocoonPower Warranty. For further details please read our Warranty Guidelines.
You can also purchase 3 Year Extended Care. If you are interested please see our Extended Care Information.